The South Downs Triple Crown

The challenge

The South Downs Triple Crown is a new challenge that will begin in 2025. It is formed of 3 of our ultra distances and must be completed in order, in a calendar year. The 3 races are Hibernal Hills 50 mile in February, South Downs 100K in May and Winter on the Downs 55 miles in December. We wanted to set a realistic and sensible challenge that is fairly achievable for most, and one that will test runners in a variety of different conditions throughout the year. The times of year these races are set will each give their own unique challenge and determine if runners can conquer the South Downs and achieve the Triple Crown.

Whether it be rain, mud, heat, humidity, wind, ice, snow, freezing temperatures, hail, fog, hills, darkness, these 3 races will likely throw everything at you and to complete all 3 will really be a fantastic achievement. There will be a fantastic Triple Crown buckle to commemorate the achievement and of course, lots of bragging rights!

Runners can sign up for these 3 races individually throughout the year or altogether as a bundle for a discounted price. If choosing to sign up to each race separately, then currently, only the 2025 Hibernal Hills is open for entry at this stage. To save confusion for those entering, the other 2 races will open after the 2024 versions have passed. Entry for the Triple Crown will be automatic when entering any of the three races individually.

If entering all 3 together as a bundle is preferred, then this can however, be done now via the 'Register For Series' button above and clicking on any of the South Downs, Winter on the Downs or Hibernal Hills events.

Please get in touch at with any queries.

feb, may & dec 2025

Sign up to the races

See the races below and get signed up!