20km UTMB Badge
20 mile race
Runner information
Sunday 25th May 2025


Sunday May 25th, Helen Garden, Eastbourne, BN20 7XL

Race start: 10.15am

Race Start/Finish

Race HQ will be in Helen Garden, Eastbourne. The race will also start and finish here.

Race numbers will be sent out in the post a week or so before race day.

There will be plenty of parking at the start/finish line in the nearby streets of Eastbourne. The train station is a 1.5 mile walk from the finish line, however there will be free regular shuttles to take runners from the finish line after the race to nearby hotels and local public transport stations. This service is free of charge and does not have to be booked. it will leave roughly every 30 mins from next to the finish line. There will also be a large marquee, toilets, seating, food/drink, and music at the finish.

Finish Line Bags

Runners will have the choice of leaving their finish line bag at the start area where it will be kept safe and ready for your collection

Aid Stations

Litlington, Mile 9.54
Toilets Available
Food & Drink
East Dean, Mile 15.58
Toilets Available
Food & Drink
Birling Gap, Mile 17.73
Food & Drink

There will be 3 very well stocked aid stations along the route which are listed below. Aid stations will carry a wide range of food and drink. They will cater for everyone’s needs including vegan, vegetarian and gluten free:

  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Crisps
  • High 5 energy gels
  • PB, jam, cheese, ham, marmite sandwiches
  • Homemade vegan/gluten free lemon drizzle cake
  • Skittles and jelly babies
  • Coke
  • Soreen
  • Chocolate
  • Salted nuts
  • Homemade flapjack
  • Sausage rolls
  • Water


All runners must be finished by 8pm. There are, no cut off times for this race along the route other than at the last aid station in East Dean where everyone must have left by 6 pm.

Crews, pacers and supporters

There are no crew or pacers allowed at the event. Supporters are welcome along the route but please not at the aid station locations.

Mandatory Kit

We will be introducing a mandatory kit list for Health and Safety reasons. All runners must carry the following at all-times:

  • A foil-blanket
  • A fully charged mobile phone containing both the Race Director and Medical team’s numbers. These will be made available in the lead up to the event and at registration also.

We appreciate that runners prefer to run as light as possible however, this is something we will be including going forward.

It is not mandatory but we do suggest you bring a foldable cup as the race will be cup less.

Route Markers and Navigation

A large part of the route will be on the South Downs Way and on these sections, there will be South Downs Way marker posts showing the acorn sign symbolising a National Trail. We will mark the route mainly with UK Ultra arrows and UK Ultra ribbons. A map and compass are not necessary at this event although, it is never a bad idea, and it is always recommended.

Even though the course will be thoroughly marked, it is the runner’s responsibility to navigate it successfully. We do however suggest you try and recce the route as much as possible, and STRONGLY suggest you download the GPX file onto your GPS, handheld or mobile device. Unfortunately, sometimes markers do get removed by members of the public or turned in the opposite direction.

Even though we will mark the route as thoroughly as possible, please don't rely on this. Having the GPX downloaded will save you a lot of hassle in this situation as it is very accurate, and you can easily navigate the route with this alone if markers are tampered with. This doesn't happen very often however, all it takes is for one marker to be tampered with to send you in the wrong direction.


There will be an experienced team of race medics available to runners before, during and after the event including first aid teams, response cars and ambulances. There is the possibility due to some locations on the course that the medical team might take some time to reach you. In this situation you should call 999.